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Check out the pages below for details information on Bacterial Meningitis.

Landan Harris, Meningitis Awareness, Meningocccal Meningitis,Child Loss, Death of a child, Angel Mom, Bereavement, Vaccine Preventable Disease

"Minutes matter because Meningococcal disease progresses so quickly. Parents need to know the best way to protect their children from his devastating disease is through vaccination."

- Lacey Harris-Willoby -

"My name is Lori. My little girl Weeble had Pneumoncoccal Meningitis. She has severe seizure disorders, learning disabilities & a form of autism all a result of meningitis. Please immunize your kids."

- Lori Hopps Holland -

"Our son Zachary lost his life to Pneumococcal Meningitis/Sepsis, we had no idea what Meningitis was. Please educate yourselves before it's too late."

- Bianca Raby - 

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